How this site was created . . . After becoming frustrated with the current crop of card collection programs, I decided to create my own. So I created a database that was written from a set collector's perspective and unlike many programs, it does not place much emphasis on a card's pricing history or investment value. It tracks prices solely for the purpose of comparing card values for trading. I’ve done lots of work with Microsoft Access over the years so it was a logical platform to create the CardTrader database.
During the creation of the CardTrader database,
I make
my living creating custom information systems for other companies and I had not
yet had a chance to play with any of the new .NET technologies, so I chose
to create this site in ASP.NET to gain a little experience. I
used Microsoft's ASP.NET Web Matrix Project (which is FREE and can be downloaded at www.asp.net) to
create these pages. It uses a database which is a subset of
my CardTrader database and only requires 2MB to store 40,000+ cards.
I’ve been toying with the idea of making the CardTrader database available to other collectors as freeware or “tradeware”. If you are a collector and have Access 2000 or Access 2002 and are interested, please
Click here for a lager image of the CardTrader database.(80k)
Last Updated 11/13/2006